Razguliay Group shareholder will greenhouses and new projects in animal husbandry


Investment company Avangard Asset Management, the largest shareholder of Razguliay group, has created a new private equity fund AVG CIS Agricultural Opportunities Fund for investment in agriculture. The company hopes to attract in the 1-1, 5 billion dollars.

Investment company Avangard Asset Management, the largest shareholder of Razguliay group, has created a new private equity fund AVG CIS Agricultural Opportunities Fund for investment in agriculture. The company hopes to attract in the 1-1, 5 billion dollars. Through the new facility Avangard Asset Management will invest in the development of greenhouse agriculture and animal husbandry. For the development of greenhouse Business Home Asset Management has established a company "Factory of vegetables". The new business will invest about 7 billion rubles, said the Deputy Director of the company "Factory of vegetables" Vadim Demeškin. The greenhouse is scheduled to launch in 2012 year in Chelyabinsk, Novgorod, Tula and Rostov regions. Cumulative greenhouse will be placed on 60 hectares of land. With a designed capacity of greenhouses is expected to receive approximately 37 000. tons of production per year. First of all it will be tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, dill, parsley. The company sees a huge potential in this segment of agriculture: in recent years, imports of greenhouse production increased fivefold, while domestic production practically does not change, said Mr. Demeškin. According to him, further investment company plans to introduce three to five greenhouses, close agricultural enterprises Razguliay group. In the next five years, "Factory of vegetables" is going to take up to 30-40% of the Russian market of greenhouse products.
